Alandala day&night v.015 [closing party]

Home $ Party $ Alandala day&night v.015 [closing party]

by | Sep 4, 2016 | Party

Can you imagine… how fast 16 weeks passed by? We danced the night away at 9 events so far this summer, switching between 4 locations and 3 concepts: alandala day&night, alandala panorama & alandala by the lake. Together we had fun, we laughed, we smiled, we learned, we improved. We’ve had amazing guests, we had no sleep in the weekends.
We’d do it all over again.
Why time feels like passing by on fast forward in the summertime?
With mixed feelings, let’s get together one more night… day&night.
by day // casino park
❐ Mathei
by night // polyvalent hall
❐ Cesar Merveille
❐ Nu Zau
❐ Paul K

alandala closing party

#Concurs: Punem la bataie 2 invitatii duble pentru acest eveniment. Pentru a intra în concurs trebuiepostezi următorul mesaj pe wall-ul tau de Facebook: “#ClujLife mă scoate din casă la…” și să revii cu un comentariu, mai jos, pentru verificare.
Update: castigatorii sunt Andrada Rotar si Mihai Alexandra.

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