Colectiva Silver Screen @ Colectiva Gazette

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by | May 2, 2017 | Cinema, Party

Fish and Cat (2013) & Afterparty Pinksynth

Fish & Cat feels like a dream that’s forever threatening to turn into a nightmare. This bizarre and unsettling film, by Iranian director Shahram Mokri, is supposedly based on true events happened in 1998 in a remote part of Iran, and its roughly two hours of runtime is filmed entirely in one shot. Imagine a re-enactment of a murder directed by David Lynch when he’s dreaming and you’ve got something similar to Fish & Cat.
(Sydney Film Festival Review)

All mise-en-scene and no montage? No problem. The pic manages to be both narrative and nonlinear as the camera’s complex choreography creates fissures in time, piling on stories within stories that trap viewers in an increasingly ominous, often repetitive nightmare. (Variety)


Din dorința de a deveni din dansator un trigger dansant, Cocò (Pițipoance Întunecate/ Waves With No Ends) a creat Pinksynth, o entitate sonoră feminină, caldă și luminoasă.

Pinksynth reprezintă o ieșire din zona de comfort a proiectelor anterioare, experimentând într-un mod maleabil cu întreaga gamă Synth, House, Techno, valențe Deep, Disco colorat, dar și sonorități agresive. Direcția a fost stabilită, iar punctul de întâlnire vi-l dă tot ea: ne vedem cu toții la dans!

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