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Mindfares – well rested edition

January 31 @ 8:00 pm

It’s been a while! Our first of the year presents itself as an intimate affair set in a familiar place, surrounded by familiar faces.
The proceedings will be led by expat friend and well rested Berliner, Dj Always Tired (aka Platida), who you may know from such bangers as “you snooze, you lose” on Refuge Worldwide, or even her recent cameo on The Mudd Show.
Joining her is Andria Obor of Ouch Collective fame (hip-hop la feminin), who is also frequently gracing the air-waves on Refuge or @blackrhinoradio to great effect.
Both are ladies we admire and we can’t wait to follow them deep into the rabbit hole.
This time around we have a professional trip master handling the set and the setting. Scenography, lights and all sorts of helpful visual aids will be carefully curated by Dakograff, another bonafide artist we admire and hope to see more of in the future.
High-fidelity soundsystem for an immersive experience.
Caminul Subcultural — 31.01 — 8pm — Free Entry


January 31
Interval orar:
8:00 pm


Căminul Subcultural
Str. Fericirii 12
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj 400000 Romania
+ Google Map



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