Jazz in the Park is about great music, public places, super cozy atmosphere, friends and experiences.
We are building stages on which jazz, blues and classical music is being played, all live, for those walking in the park and on the riverside or come especially for the event.
Music from morning till evening, with foreign and Romanian artists. Friends, family and relaxation, wine, blankets, hammocks, sandwiches, bicycles, books and craft fairs are all here.
Our goal is to give new meaning to forgotten or less used public spaces, using music in order to attract the audience.
Save the date. Jazz in the Park 2018: 21 June-1 July. Cluj. Romania.
Primii artiști confirmați: Fanfare Ciorcârlia, Moonlight Breakfast, A-C Leonte, JazzyBIT, Antal Gabor Trio.
Jazz in the Park continuă seria anunțurilor despre festival cu 13 formații de excepție, premiate și recunoscute la nivel mondial: Richard Bona & Mandekan Cubano (US), Nik Bartsch’s Ronin (CH), Alfa Mist (UK), Soweto Kinch (UK), Forq (US), Bill Laurance Quartet (US), The Herbaliser (UK), Gallowstreet (NL), Balako (RO), Koffie (NL), Superpoze (FR), Essential Notes (RO) și Exit Oz (RO).