Slowly, slowly, we say goodbye to August. As we don't want warm...

Tzinah Showcase
#TzinahShowcase with Love from: Nicolas Duvoisin Primarie Onyk The...
ABC pres. Herck. Bread and Butter, Prepeleac
Cluj, Get Ready to Dance! ABC EVENTS comes to Hibrid. Join us as our...
Ruffinaments vs Subfeleac w/ ZO & Blanilla
For the next one, we're stoked to team up (again) with one of the...
Day&Night w/ Suciu, Paul K, Vlad, David, Whosmiha
• Event starts on the terrace at h 17:00 with Whosmiha & David. •...
Amalgam S02EP07
Evenimentul prezintă un line-up eclectic de artiști din industria...
Paul K / Malcom / Blaga
All set for Elevenandahalf [011]: Saturday, 13th of April w/ our...
Dinsubsol & friends
Join us for a special event showcasing two resident DJs from...
Cally, Nopau & Whosmiha
Elevenandahalf [010] Spring edition w/ Cally, Nopau & Whosmiha....