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Moby Dick- LIVE – Hardward Pub

December 9, 2023 @ 8:30 pm

Moby Dick- LIVE - Hardward Pub

The experience of Moby Dick gigs becomes unforgettable and irreplaceable memories for everyone. Anyone can be shaked and took out of the monotone everyday life by their eternally valid, always up-to-date lyrics which are crossing the ages. Belonging to the Fan base of Moby Dick – which is outstanding in the Kárpát-medence (Carpathian Basin) – is like a brotherly alliance and the band’s music is a link between generations. Also Cluj is a town that has such fanatic devotees who immediately begin to gather when the band anytime arrives!

Bilete: aici.


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December 9, 2023
Interval orar:
8:30 pm


Hardward Pub
Str. Republicii Nr.110
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj 400489 Romania
+ Google Map
0264 439 359


Hardward Pub

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